True, but to achieve full success Anthony should manage his millennials properly. Despite being labeled as 'tech savvy, flexible, adaptable, they need to feel their voices are being heard, they're part of a team, so they will generate a stronger and stronger sense of commitment.
The supply of tortillas decreased
Paying higher wages boost up employees to be more productive, as higher wages is considered as a source of motivation to the employees and they will improve their level of work and complete their task in an effective and efficient manner which leads to productivity at workplace. Hence, this automatically leads to timely completion of work at almost zero cost.
The reasons why some firms voluntarily pay workers a wage above the market equilibrium, even in the presence of surplus labor are as follows:
- Paying higher wages helps workers to be healthier in some developing countries.
- Higher wages attract a more competent pool of workers.
- Paying higher wages encourages workers to be more productive.
Answer: Categorical
Categorical data refers to data that enables variables to be grouped into categories but in such a way that there is no ordering to the categories.
In this scenario, the cars will be grouped by their colors but these colors cannot be ordered by saying that red is higher than blue or yellow is higher than white. It is therefore Categorical data.