Answer: C. Preying
A non-native species is the species which is introduced to a new ecosystem. This species is introduced intentionally or accidentally to a new ecosystem by human beings or they may enter to the ecosystem by their own.
A non-native species can be invasive which means it can compete with the native species for resources like shelter, food and mates.
According to the given situation, the Gila trouts being the native species has been affected by the non-native Rainbow trout. This may be because of the fact that non-native species can be invasive for the native species. As the species is used as mate by the non-native species and they may become the prey of non-native species. This has resulted in the extinction of the species of Gila trouts.
The center portion of each intervertebral disc is a filled with a gel-like elastic substance. Together with the annulus fibrosis, the nucleus pulposus transmits stress and weight from vertebra to vertebra.
the vesicle can fuse with a membrane prior to the exocytosis of a protein from the cell by hydrophobic.
i hope this works i have learned this yet
Answer: The desert animals do not get appreciable amount of water quantity to survive on daily basis instead their body mechanism tries to conserve water by concentrating urine.
The desert mammal like kangaroo rat produces hyper concentrated urine so as to conserve water. It is facilitated by extremely long loop of Henle in their nephron. The long loop of Henle increases the time and space for absorption of water and nutrients from the urine filtrate. Hence, urine so produced is more concentrate and conserve water. Moreover, the kangaroo rat consume their urine to survive in extreme hot desert condition in scarcity of water.
Gastritis or also celiac disease