It's a part of living matter and contains carbon.
Adenosine Triphosphate is a compound used by the cell to store energy. Together with NADP, ATP is responsible for carbon dioxide reduction. Carbon dioxide is said to be reduced when it loses oxygen, reacts with hydrogen or gains electrons. Carbon dioxide becomes part of Glycerate 3-phosphate.
Answer: Option B
The animals that live on the earth in many different regions because they are adapted to live in a particular habitat. The animals of the polar regions cannot adjust living the Sahara desert and the reptiles living in the desert cannot live in polar regions.
But many of the species are dependent on the seasonal change and they only emergence or produce during specific period of time.
But if due to global climatic change there will be no emergence of particular species and their species will be extinct over a period of time. So, the global temperature needs to be constant in order to support life of the species dependent on the seasonal temperature change.
calibrated to test and see if the temperature correctly
Democracy does play a role in population growth rate. Depending on who we vote as President and what law he/or soon to be she can pass one day abortions might stop as a whole, causing the growth rate to go up. For example, in South Korea, the President passed a law that abortions are no longer allowed. People now can not kill the not yet born child in here stomach under no circumstances. This will cause the growth rate to go up in South Korea.