Answer: Yes there must be some laws and regulations to be followed by the manufacturer to ensure the health of the people.
If there are evidences seen in the processed food is causing health problems in the people consuming them.
Anything that is not healthy when consumed for a longer term and in a huge amount is unhealthy for the body.
The processed foods like burger, fries, candies, cakes have artificial flavors and taste enhancers in them.
These artificial and chemical substances tend to cause obesity and diabetes in people. Therefore, for the concern of health there must be some regulations to use the optimum amount of substances that does not affects the health of people.
Each person fitness goals are unique to their body ability
True aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Answer: depressed level of consciousness
A colonoscopy can be defined as a test which is used to abnormalities or changes occurring in the large intestine that is colon and rectum. During this procedure a long tube is inserted into the rectum. A small video camera at the tip of the detecting tube is used to view inside the entire colon.
In colonoscopy a moderate sedative is required to keep the patient in the unconscious state. A depressed level of consciousness is required for this treatment in which the patient losses alertness, becomes lethargic, can be aroused with little difficulty.