The problem of respiratory system
Anorexia nervosa, binge/purge type
Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which the patient loses a considerable amount of weight in a very short period of time, patients present an excessive fear to gain weight and they have distorted image about themselves since they consider their appearance is the one of a fat person when in reality they are thin and probably malnourished.
One subtype of the condition is anorexia nervosa, binge/purge type in which the patient undergoes binge eating episodes and in order to compensate their guilt and loss of control feeling they use self-induced vomiting or the use of laxatives.
The first team or player to score 21 points( or 11 if the opposing team remains scoreless) wins. a match is won by the first side to win two games. you can win the game on an ace in racquetball.
You should tell someone.
Seriously, tell someone. Either your mom, or a therapist, or a counselor, or even a teacher. That is unacceptable, and it needs to stop. I'm really sorry you are going through this. I hope my advice helps. Again, I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Also, if he ever even <em>tries</em> to hurt you physically, call the cops. This is completely unacceptable.
D. im pretty sure, it just makes sense