Electrical synapses, I believe.
It’s true, there are more insects than there are any other specie and more kinds
They have a cell membrane, they contain cytoplasm and can replicate themselves through the manner of mitosis.
Homeostasis refers to the body's ability to maintain certain things with
the body at the same level, this is demonstrated for example in
warm-blooded animals having a constant temperature.
The three parts that make up paint are pigments, binders and solvents. Pigments consist generally of organic and non-organic compounds and materials that are added to paint to produce a particular color.<span> Binders are substances that provide support or structure for the pigment and solvents to work. Solvents work to dissolve or disperse these substances into liquid form.
</span>Polymers are a group of atoms that form in repetitious patterns The scanning electron microscope is a microscope that works by shooting beams of
electrons at the slide and recording the emissions of the electrons. One advantage is
<span>that it has much better magnification than other microscopes
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