In the eighth century, Frankish leader Charles Martel stopped the advance of Muslims from Spain into France, thus, impacting the Christian Europe's relations with Muslim Spain as well as impacting the Islamic expansion.
It gave the judicial branch a way to check the power of Congress.
Madison argued that the Constitution didn't need a Bill of Rights, that it would create a "parchment barrier" that limited the rights of the people, as opposed to protecting them.
Profits for developed nations mean long hours and low pay for workers in developing nations.
Answer: Option D
Most of the trades belong to the relation with the country that surrounds it. The lower developing countries always have to depend on the developed country for trade and export.
The prize fixed by the consumer is final and hence the developing countries have low margin profit. Developed countries for cheap labor hire people from the developing countries. They are not only made to work hard for lower wages but also made to work for long hours.
Due to the updated technical resources competition arises within the international trade and new entries are registered every minute. The country with the lower quote gets the trade and hence forced labor with low pay is the main disadvantage.