Native American/Alaska Native children ages 1-9 and 10-19 had the highest traffic mortality rates.
Ethnicity and alcohol-related deaths 4,444 4,444 Alaska Indians have the highest annualized age-adjusted traffic-related pedestrian was the highest.
In the late 2000s, 16- to 20-year-olds had the highest motor vehicle death rates in the United States. In the field of injury research, uses of high quality data include: These are all correct.
In 2019, more than 7,000 of her children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 died in unintentional accidents. 20 people die every day. Common causes of accidental injuries in children include car accidents, suffocation, drowning, poisoning, fires, and falls. Injuries in children are often preventable.
Learn more about injury death at
If an upward curve should shift left it shows that a fall or decrease has happened.
Lets say assume the demand curve shifts to the left. The demand curve is a curve that shows us the graphical relationship between price and quantity.
If the curve shifts to the left, it shows that there is a fall in the quantity demanded of goods. It means that the price of the product has increased and the consumers have reduced their demand of the good.
The correct answer is physiological social; belongingness
Maslow's Pyramid, also known as Theory of Human Needs, organizes human needs hierarchically.
At the base of the pyramid are the most urgent needs, related to our physiological needs. At the top are personal achievements. In other words, according to Maslow, people will only pursue their personal achievements after solving the needs related to physiology, security, love / relationship and esteem.
Physiological are the initial needs and personal fulfillment are the final needs.
The need to belong was a believe that people are social beings who have a need to belong to a group, to love others, and to be loved.
Lots of destruction everywhere
Religious freedom is the freedom to develop and live according to religious beliefs at the same time it does not interfere with the same freedom of others.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 determined that the Government must not burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, only if the burden was necessary for the government interest.
It protects religious freedom more than the Free Exercise Clause because the Clause does not protect people from the government’s burden, it only demands religious neutral law, which eventually can be a burden a religion.