Those who provide Internet service should be treated as common carriers, legally prohibited from discriminating based on the customer or nature of the goods.
When quantity supplied is greater than quantity demand, the condition that needed for the price to reach equilibrium would be: The price of the product will decrease to meet equilibrium.
An intuitionist type of morality entails that model of moral reasoning that makes a judgment off intuition, then later tries to reflect if the judgment was reasoned through in the correct manner.
Here an individual just goes ahead to make a judgement from his intuition, but will later go back to analyse if the was rightly passed or not.
The people act intuitively during laboratory games, hence, desire to punish wrongdoings is driven mostly by automatic emotional reactions rather than by deliberate conscious calculations.
An increase in the number of social grants to teenage mothers is likely to have negative consequences as listed:
i) Grants make people lazy and dependent on the government
The teen mothers will not be motivated to become self-reliant by looking for work. Instead they rely on the government grants to acquire capital which they use for their needs.
ii) The child grant increases teenage pregnancy.
This is where teen mothers may become pregnant intentionally to access the grants.
iii) Recipients misuse grant money.
The teen mothers may use the grants to buy drugs and abusing of alcohol. The monies are primarily used for food and some basic non-food items such as school fees and uniforms, health and transport.
iv) Social Life
When the number of social grants to teen mothers are increased, their social lives are impacted negatively. These teen mothers see themselves as pariahs and burdens to the society. They are likely to withdraw from social life due to the shame and low self-esteem they often experience.
v) Financial Life
Due to the fact that these teen mothers often do not have stable jobs, their financial lives are uncertain. They depend on the social grants for their upkeep. If these grants are increased many teen mothers do not perceive the value of looking for employment.
vi) Education
Since most of the teen mothers drop out of school after they become pregnant, their education ceases. Increasing the number of social grants discourages them from completing their studies. They reason that since they are getting 'free money' there is no need for further education.
European colonies wanted to imitate the culture and social patterns of their parent countries. Peninsulares were officials born in Europe who held all the important government positions. Creoles were descendants of Europeans born in Latin America and they were treated as second class citizens. Mestizos were offspring of those Europeans who married with Native Americans. Mulattoes were the offspring of Africans and Europeans.
Mark meh brainliest plzz