The Safety Education Program is basically an internal marketing campaign structured to raise awareness of security risks and encourage acceptable good practices and habits throughout the organisation. It should concentrate on those facets of safety that apply to human nature, with awareness campaigns on tailgating, vandalism, awareness of one's circumstances while traveling on the road and preserve documentation.
The Security Education will help make security robust, unobtrusive and effective across the organization in order to improve behavior through constructive, opportunities, positive reinforcement, cross-collaboration, rewards, secure intellectual assets and computing assets.
D - By due process
The fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially a citizen's entitlement to notice of a charge and a hearing before an impartial judge.
:Themes. The theme for the movie is the Power of Education, because just with that power, its can bring you to success. Main conflicts include Racial inequalities, the white schools preferred the students of color not to participate in the Debates, another big conflict was the Jim Crow laws.
:The most uplifting message of The Great Debaters is about the legacy passed from one generation to the next: impassioned young people learning the lessons of patience, generosity, and dignity from the older characters as they all struggle for justice