The markings on a standard ruler represent the fractions of an inch. The markings on a ruler from the start to the 1″ mark are: 1⁄16“, 1⁄8“, 3⁄16“, 1⁄4“, 5⁄16“, 3⁄8“, 7⁄16“, 1⁄2“, 9⁄16“, 5⁄8“, 11⁄16“, 3⁄4“, 13⁄16“, 7⁄8“, 15⁄16“, and 1”.
Index page.
The index page is the URL or local file that automatically loads when a web browser starts and when the browser's 'home' button is pressed. The term is also used to refer to the front page, web server directory index, or main web page of a website of a group, company, organization, or individual.
within the Book class but needs to also be outside of any methods.
If Ben is creating an entire Book class then the instance variable needs to be within the Book class but needs to also be outside of any methods. If Ben places the variable inside a method it can only be used by that method and therefore becomes an instance variable of that method and not the class. By creating it inside the class and outside the methods it can be used every single time a Book object is created. Therefore, creating an instance variable of serialNumber every time.
<HTML> tag
The first tag in any HTML file is the <HTML> tag. This tells web browsers that the document is an HTML file