Technologies that can operate in the 125 kHz to 134 kHz range is the
- RFID is technology which works on radio frequency and it is used for the auto-identification for the different object.
- The RFID system mainly consists of two parts. In this RFID system, this RFID reader continuously sends radio waves of a particular frequency
- RFID is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object, providing a unique identifier for an object.
- Active RFID tags have a transmitter and their own power source. Instead, they draw power from the reader, which sends out electromagnetic waves that induce a current in the tag's antenna.
- Semi-passive tags use a battery to run the chip's circuitry, but communicate by drawing power from the reader.
- Radio frequency identification (RFID) can operate in three frequency bands: 125 kHz to 134 kHz, 13.56 MHz, or 856 MHz to 960 MHz. Bluetooth is 2.4 GHz; NFC is 13.56 MHz; and LTE is between 600 MHz and 6 GHz.
Option 3 is the correct answer for the above question.
- A tarball is a software which is used to encrypt the other software or hide the other software and make it small. It again makes the original software program from the encrypted ones.
- It is used to make the file sort and can use for the transfer which takes some amount of memory.
- The above question asked about that technology which is used to make encrypted software from the original software and use it with the help of some script. Then the answer is tarball which is referred to from option 3. Hence Option 3 is the correct answer for the above question while the other is not because--
- Option 1 states about the package manager which is used to manage the library only.
- Option 2 states about the DBMS which is used to manage the database.
- Option 4 states about the router which is used for the internet.
Following are the response to the given question:
Build a spring, sink, vertices, and vertices for each car for a household. Every unit in the stream is a human. Attach the source from each vertical of a family with such a capacity line equivalent to the family size; this sets the number of members in each household. Attach every car vertices to the sink with the edge of the car's passenger belt; this assures the correct number of people for every vehicle. Connecting every vertex in your household to any vertex in your vehicle with a capacity 1 border guarantees that one family member joins a single car. The link between both the acceptable allocation of people to vehicles as well as the maximum flow inside the graph seems clear to notice.