Bacteria capsule contain poly-γ-d-glutamic acid and also possesses antiphagocytic properties .
Gram positive cell wall peptidoglycan.
Fimbriae contain adhesin which make them to attach to a base and counter shear force and obtain food.
Pili contain oligomeric proteins which is hair like structure.
Endospores consists of DNA, ribosomes and dipicolinic acid.
RIBOSOMES consist of ribosomal RNA and proteins.
Plasmid consist of circular DNA.
Plasma membranes consist lipid bilayer.
Its just like Water drops on a pine needle or on anything else, Cohesion is when water is attracted to water. Therefor its Adhesion, because that's when water is attracted to other things or substances.
I agree.
Cell biology and technology are so connected that there is even a science called biotechnology, which is the literal union of these two strands.
Biotechnology is an area that aims to develop biological products and processes with the help of science and technology. The United Nations (UN) classifies biotechnology as "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derived beings, to manufacture or modify products or processes for specific uses".
Biotechnology covers different areas of knowledge that include basic science (such as molecular biology, microbiology, etc.), applied science (such as immunological, chemical and biological techniques) with different technologies (such as information technology, robotics and process control).
Declining populations of phytoplankton, the basis of the marine food chain, will alter the seawater hues, potentially decimating fisheries. The world's oceans are warming and growing more acidic as a result of climate change, and a provocative new study suggests they'll be changing color too.
Hope this is good :)