The Affair:
There has always been a phrase my mother taught me and I’ve kept it inside my heart ever since. She said to me when I was six years of age “Beloved child love is stronger than death itself, many waters cannot extinguish love nor can the rivers themselves wash it away for love is a burning flame that cannot ever go out”. After she said those words she vanished into the woods and never returned. Of course, at six years of age I had no clue of my mother’s dark nature; I always believed she would protect me and take care of me. I was wrong though.
That same day she vanished which was one Saturday evening my father came home and had found a note that was well enveloped and beautifully wrapped in fine red silk. My father opened the letter and immediately his eyes started to water.
“My wife! My wife! Why have you abandoned me!” shouted my father
“Daddy” I replied
My father immediately looked at me, he came walking closer to where I was and he kneeled down to my level of stature.
“Little child mommy is not with us”
“Mommy is coming back!”
“No little one. Mommy is gone forever”
“Mommy will come back!”
“I’m sorry little one”
My father immediately embraced me and for several hours I cried in my fathers arms. That was the only place where I truly felt protected. Due to that day I promised myself ten years after that if I ever married I would not do the same thing which my mommy did when I was six years of age.
At sixteen years of age I grew up in beauty and grace. My beauty could not be compared to any of the other girls inside the village. Due to that my father arranged my marriage with Sir Gallop Barker. However, I was not in love with him. Something though changed my life forever.
Beloved Abilasha:
For many days I have paced around my room drinking red wine from the same glass cup Abilasha gifted me in her Anniversary with her husband Aivat, which was 12 years ago. Since that time I have been delighting myself with all the luxuries a man can possess. However, joy is nowhere to be found. I know very well that there is one thing money can never buy and that is love. Sure, money can let you buy land, technology and even people. But, it cannot buy a woman's love.
I made a mistake very long ago and that mistake was to rid from my life a loving girl whose name was Abilasha or “Abi” for short. She was a good woman; a woman of charm and sophistication. She was graceful, beautiful, and dressed well for a commoner. Back in the old days I wasn't rich, I was poor, just like her. However, she didn't care and God knows I didn't care either.
To be honest I don't regret ever loving her, till today I still love her. If her husband were to know though, God help us all! I know he would pursue after me and end my life and afterwards hide Abi away, possibly inside the forest, leaving the world in cold despair without Abi’’s warm and tender smile. I chuckle at this thought because if I were in his place I would do the same thing. Now that I think about it Hans Christian Anderson said in one of his stories “Its better to live a short life and love than live long and not love at.” There is some truth in this saying and that is that without love there is an empty void which can't be fulfilled no matter how many things you try to replace it with; be it business, work, money, luxury, or traveling. I do know beforehand though that God fills that empty void. Of course everyone knows in the end that in the longterm he will put that special someone in your life to make you complete.
I already had my missing half complete. But, something happened that lovely afternoon spring that changed my life forevermore.
”Akil! Akil!" shouted Kyle
That day I was in with Marcelo my friend, we were just laying on the grass of the back porch looking up at the skies and talking about the future. Things like what we would do or what careers we planned to get popped up during our conversation.
”Akil! Akil!”
I honestly could not hear my Kyle shouting to me, I was too distracted.
”Do you hear that Akil? I think your dad is calling out to you”
”Seriously? God what does he want now?”
”Did you break the pool again man?”
”No, I didn't”
”Well, whatever it is man, its gotta be important”
”Not a chance Marcelo”
”Come on man, just get up and go and meet up with the old man, see what he wants”
I gave out a high pitched sigh and replied to Marcelo
”Fine, lets go”
”Its for your best Akil”
”You are a terrible good influence”
”Be grateful you have at least one bro like me”
”I am man”
Marcelo and me got up from the grass and went into the house.
”I'm here Kyle!” I yelled
Kyle quickly came running to where I was and hugged me.
”Thank God your ok, quick son help me pack!”
”What Kyle?”
I lightly pushed Kyle away from me. Immediately after I did this Kyle put his hand inside his pocket and swiftly handed me a black cell phone.