Benign tumors are not cancerous. Malignant tumors are cancerous.
Benign tumors usually aren't problematic while malignant tumors grow and spread quickly putting you in harms way.
A- One benifit is that if the mother was poor, she could save some money and maybe give her kid a better life
She might nelgect the child or abuse him/her, and living life with a caring guardian is better
B- They might want to have a person or thing to care for, or a small bundle of joy as they call it
They might to help a child in need and love them like their own child
Anorexia and bulimia are life-threatening conditions that should not be overlooked.
Anorexia and bulimia are both definitely life-threatening conditions. Bulimia is where somebody tries binges and then purges to try and prevent weight gain. Anorexia is where people progress through extreme weight loss. The condition is certainly life-threatening considering the person suffering usually refuses to eat or only eats a little calories. Anorexia nowadays is contemplated as 'starvation'.
An example of disease misconceptions is the belief that vaccines are not beneficial
Anti-vaccine groups have been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the most important global threats against health security. Anti-vaccination is a movement that comes from a controversial belief based on a paper published in a top medical journal (The Lancet). This study suggested that the MMR vaccine (against measles, mumps, and rubella) might be associated with autism spectrum disorders in children. However, in other studies, it has been shown that there is no association between this vaccine and autism, thereby this controversial paper was retracted by the editors of the journal.
When it involves granting favors it's called quid pro quo.