To maintain a balance in Congress between the number of representatives who supported slavery compared to those who opposed it
Askia Muhammad I (1443 – 1538), born Muhammad Ture sylla or Muhammed Touré sylla in Futa Tooro, later called Askia, also known as Askia the Great, was an emperor, military commander, and political reformer of the Songhai Empire[1] in the late 15th century. He was from the Soninke ethnic group. Askia Muhammad strengthened his empire and made it the largest empire in West Africa's history. At its peak under his reign, the Songhai Empire encompassed the Hausa states as far as Kano (in present-day Northern Nigeria) and much of the territory that had belonged to the Songhai empire in the east. His policies resulted in a rapid expansion of trade with Europe and Asia, the creation of many schools, and the establishment of Islam as an integral part of the empire.
Railroads used the iron to build railroad tracks but iron was weak and also dangerous. Soon people then realized that steel was a better material for tracks because it was able to hold more weight which then allowed heavier cargo. Railroads also transported mineral needed to forge steel.
For decades prior to the Prohibition (i.e., the legal ban of alcoholic drinks) made possible by the Eighteen Amendment, different Christian churches and organizations had been objecting to the consumption of alcohol since they considered it as the source of most debauchery and moral decadence. Their goal was made clear to the federal government: alcohol should be completely banned in order to clean society up. An excise tax on alcohol would have been rejected by all the moralistic groups advocating for prohibition as a mild and ineffective measure
Anti-Federalism was a late-18th century movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. The previous constitution, called the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, gave state governments more authority. Led by Patrick Henry of Virginia, Anti-Federalists worried, among other things, that the position of president, then a novelty, might evolve into a monarchy. Though the Constitution was ratified and supplanted the Articles of Confederation, Anti-Federalist influence helped lead to the passage of the United States Bill of Rights.