Northern lawmakers were hesitant to go to war with Mexico because in the North people began to question the system as they increasingly viewed it as immoral and believed that it was wrong for person to enslave another. By starting a war with Mexico, they believe that the new territories would create more slave states and perpetuate the system further. Aside from that, President James Polk also wanted to acquire the territories of California, New Mexico and Oregon. Eventually war broke out when American troops to the Rio Grande and Nueces River regard as disputed territories.
Congress could not draft soldiers or regulate trade
It was extramly dangerous to travel by wagon, there was the threat of bandits, native american tribes, and Buffalo, plus added diseases and weather conditions, when the train was invented and used for civilian use after the American civil war, railways were built from the east and mid-west to the west, they were deamed more safe and it was a faster way to travel
TW// a white woman was jogging and was assaulted through a series of attacks in new yorks central park. five african american teenagers were wrongfully convicted and spent from 6 to 13 years in prison before the real assualter confessed. it is widely believed that the wrongful conviction of the five boys was racially motivated.
Just to let you know I have a dogo. A would be you answer.
I took the test and Just Because. Hope this helps.