Since the means of reproduction have changed, the population of peacocks would probably start losing their pretty feather colors due to the fact that over time females would be mating with the containing the other trait (and possibly not the pretty feathers). This would then produce offspring with ugly colors but also with the desired trait. This would continue on and on until those with the desired trait outnumbered or possibly extinguished the now unnecessary vibrant feather colors.
Facultative anaerobe.
Bacteria can be classified on the basis of their nutrition requirement and on the basis of different condition of oxygen in which they live. Two main types of bacteria are aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria.
Anaerobic bacteria grows in the absence of oxygen. The facultative anaerobe bacteria can undergoes the process of respiration in presence as well as in absence of oxygen. Thioglycollate chemicals helps to known the aero tolerance of the organism. The turbidity on the whole tube indicates that the bacteria is facultative anaerobe.
Thus, the correct answer is facultative anaerobe.
1 m/s^2 acceleration on body of mass of 1 kg is simply called 1 neuton
It is not necessarily needed for and individual to live
B} Vector Method
Mitosis is the Asexual Division of Cells So it is not a Right Answer
Surgery" It is not Possible because we can not see D.N.A. without Special Gadgets
Spontaneous Joining is Also a Wrong Answer But I can't tell you Reason So Sorry
Vector Method is the Right Answer Because By Placing DNA Template into Bacteria{Vector} Plasmid , or Virus{Weak or Almost Dead} DNA And Send It to Targeted Cell