The Gecko. While human-made devices inspired by gecko feet have emerged in recent years, enabling their wearers to slowly scale a glass wall, the possible applications of gecko-adhesion technology go far beyond Spiderman-esque antics. A researcher is looking into how the technology could be applied in a high-precision industrial setting, such as in robot arms used in manufacturing computer chips.
B. Virus.
In this case, since bacteria (A.) reproduce via asexual reproduction via mitosis and the animal (D.) and vegetal (C.) cells could reproduce via sexual or asexual reproduction depending on the organism, they do not need a host to start the replication of the DNA and therefore reproduce. In such a way, it is widely known that viruses need a host that facilitates the replication of their DNA or RNA (depending on the virus) since they only have their genetic information but they do not have neither the RNA nor the DNA polymerase that favor such process, that is why they need a host.
Best regards.
water is the universals solvent and the compound that wouldnt disolve is oli because water and oil don't mix
pancreas to regulate salt
caribou maternity pens are enclosed areas created to care for pregnant female caribou and their offspring. As well as allowing the mothers to take care of their offspring in a safe and nurturing condition. Therefore the hikers passing by the pens most likely would see Pregnant females and young caribou within the pens.