Example sentences with the word bike. bike example sentences. ... beach and used it the next morning, like you said, to get back to the motor home. ... If you're right and he's actually in this here bike ride, we've got seven days to find him. ... An hour later, she dismounted her bike and leaned it against the brick front of the art ...
samsungs work very slow they arent as dependable as iphone i did a switch from samsung to iphone i just tell a big huge diffrence it is crazy.ipones have a way better camera and evreything is organized
(hope this helps)
We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements; they offer hints about life in the past.
We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements because they offer hints about life in the past.
We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements. They offer hints about life in the past.