C. strong emotional appeals. You can see this in many commercial campaigns in which companies appeal to our feelings to make us feel that we need something and we have to buy it.
he's angry that he did'nt get a rasie
They can influence the mass media
Public Agenda is the issue that most people in the country will be focused on. This could include both economic, socio-cultural, or foreign relations.
Every times the national government propose a certain bill or regulation to handle a certain issue, the media will pick up on it.
When the news is presented to the public, a nationwide conversation will occurs among the citizens to discuss that topic. Some might support it, while some might oppose to it.
This will eventually form a popular public opinion regarding how we as a nation could address the issue, and a public agenda is formed.
Acts is the abbreviation for "the Acts of the Apostles" (<em>five books of the New Testament</em>); a history of the early Christian church, in which Jesus ascents into heaven.
Saint Peter's life is told in the New Testament's letters; Saint Peter was the first apostle required by Jesus in the early church.
Saint Peter preached that Jesus would stay in Heaven until the restitution of all things; the main subject of the sermons preached by Peter was: <em>Jesus and His miracles.</em>
Acts describes how God achieved his plan for the salvation of the world, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Thereby, the correct options are the first 2 (1&2):
1.<em>Jesus' miracles were the work of God</em> and 2.<em>Jesus' death was part of the Plan of God.</em>
1.In October of 1765, delegates from 9 colonies met to issue petitions to the British Government denying Parliament's authority to tax the colonies. ...
2.On the verge of the American Revolution, Committees of Correspondence were formed in cities and regions throughout the American colonies. ...
3.Instead of levying a duty on trade goods, the Stamp Act imposed a direct tax on the colonists.