Every day, accomplish five things. One thing for your job search, one thing for your community, one thing for your family, one thing to improve your home and one thing for your own spirit. You are needed and important, and by setting this goal daily, you will keep moving forward.”
Containment means to contain something in a certain place, maybe because it is dangerous or not healthy for other people to be around. In a lot of ways, it is isolation.
i hope this helps
<span>The correct answer is TRUE. The locus of conflict is also the framework within which the conflict occurs. There are three types of locus of conflict. These are dyadic conflict, intragroup conflict and task conflict. Task conflict is that which arises from the goals of work. Dyadic conflict occurs between two people. Intragroup occurs in a group.</span>
Explanation:She will likely use that as an excuse to get hired for her next job resume.
Answer: Most adults consume and excrete about <u>1.5 to 3</u> quarts of water per day. Adults are advised to consume <u>1</u> to <u>1.5</u> mL of water from all sources for each calorie expended. A person who needs 2,400 calories per day will require <u>2400 to 3600</u> mL of water per day.
Explanation: To balance the water intake with the calories consumed every day, it is necessary to drink 1 to 1.5 mL of water for every calorie taken in, in order to cease the calorie from accumulating as fat. Generally, adults drink between 1.5 and 3 quarts of water and excrete proportionally every day.
This can be considered to be a healthy habit as long as the calorie intake does not exceed its proportionate limit. It is necessary to strike a balance between water intake and calorie intake so as to maintain a healthy metabolism.