The phone number that helps the people is 2028336130
The Caste system was based on the religion of Hinduism, whilst in the Feudal system the Roman Catholic Church and in it's beliefs were followed. The highest class for the Feudal system was the King; but in the Caste system it was the Brahmins (Priests), although the king was part of the second tier the Kshatriyas. The Feudal system existed during the middle ages and when it ended it caused the end of the middle ages. The Caste is still being followed today in India.
Yes, it is true that "e<span>ventually, the Supreme Court decided that the laws in Alabama that forced African Americans to give up their seats to white passengers were unconstitutional," but this was after there were number "bus boycotts" and "freedom rides" that helped alter the views of white Americans. </span>
The issue of suffrage caused controversy<span> because men didn't believewomen were capable of being able to have their own opinions tovote.</span>