Disaster management efforts aim to reduce or avoid the potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to the victims of a disaster, and achieve a rapid and effective recovery. It is crucial that hospitals remain safe and functional during and after disasters.
B, it takes 6 hours after the low tide for a high tide to appear.
Charles Dickens wrote about the living conditions
The correct answer is erosion
- Magmatism refers to the positioning of magma on the outer surface and within the layers of a terrestrial planet which on cooling solidifies into igneous rocks.
- Mechanical weathering is the process of breaking of big rocks into tiny or smaller pieces. It is basically a process of conversion of big rocks into sediments thus leading to the formation of soil.
- Chemical Weathering is the process of breaking down of big rocks into tiny pieces by chemical reactions instead of mechanical processes.
- Erosion is the process of removal of soil, sediments and dissolved substance from one location and transporting it to another location on earth crust.
- Metamorphism is the process of change in the structure or com[position of a rock by the action of pressure, temperature or other natural forces.
One reason that rock layers are not horizontal are because of erosion and it also depends we’re you find the rock layer