Hello This Answer Is Not Real This Is All A Simulation
Hexadecimal numbers are just a convenient representation of binary data. When entered as text, they consist of ASCII characters 0-9 and a-f. The numbers will then have to be converted to binary. This is accomplished by converting to uppercase, subtracting the ASCII offset (48 for 0-9 or 55 for A-F), so that the result is a number between 0 and 15 (inclusive). This can be stored in computer memory to represent 4 bits.
Hexadecimal numbers represent binary numbers in the following way:
hex | binary
0 = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
a = 1010
b = 1011
c = 1100
d = 1101
e = 1110
f = 1111
As you can see, no other 4 bit combination exists.
The protocol that should be used for establishing a secure network connection is SSH.
The following information is to be considered:
- SFTP is secure also it is a protocol for file transferring that applied SSH.
- IP, FTP, and DHCP should not be for safety purposes as they are not secure.
- SSH is a secured connection for the remote sites so here the SSH protocol should be used.
Therefore we can conclude that The protocol that should be used for establishing a secure network connection is SSH.
ISO standards
ISO / IEC 14443 is the ISO standard that covers RFID usage by devices.
EPCglobal - Electronics Product Code Global Incorporated is also another international standard that covers RFID. These two standards work together to standardize RFID products produced by manufacturers so that these products can be the same across different markets and manufacturers. Example I can purchase a tag from one manufacturer and a transceiver from another and they would function well together. There are also other standards for RFID but the above two are the biggest and most popular with ISO being the oldest.
It is known as Don-Not-Carry rules are implemmented to avoid
-Unauthorized full disk copies (it have been made while the laptop owner was out of the hotel room on overseas travel)
-Laptops steals
- Monitoring by third parties of wireless using.