1. dependent: mice’s weight. independent: amount of amino acid
2. dependent: plant’s height. independent: color of lights
3. dependent: amount of ammonia released.
independent: type of fish food
4. dependent: plant height. independent: temperature of water
5. dependent: tadpole’s development
independent: protein supplement or not
The South based its economy on the use of slaves for agricultural production of things like cotton and tobacco. The North had significant amounts of industry and other finished goods. The South could supply some of the raw materials for the industry of the North. Regardless, the North relied on paid labor.
It would be a Liberal Arts College. That is generally a four year university, instead of a two year program.
After the assassination of Luis Carlos Galán, the administration of César Gaviria moved against Escobar and the drug cartels. ... Declaring an end to a series of previous violent acts meant to pressure authorities and public opinion, Escobar surrendered to Colombian authorities in 1991.
Roberto Escobar maintains Pablo fell into the drug business simply because other types of contraband became too dangerous to traffic. As there were no drug cartels then, and only a few drug barons, Pablo saw it as untapped territory he wished to make his own.
My car payment is higher than my discretionary spending.
If the car payment is going up, then the car payment may be higher than your discretionary spending. Discretionary spending is money that the government has implemented through an appropriations bill. This money is given to participents based on the funding available and the number of recipients eligible to receive funding.