The answer is a. 1 million.
1. Many water loss when you showering. It is recommended to limit your shower time to reduce water use.
2. Change your lawn plant into the one with low-water needs. Sprinkler needs much water. Also, check for broken or leaked sprinkler.
3. Use device which more efficient in using water. This include washing machine or sprinkler.
When an injury occurs to the pons, midbrain and medulla oblongata, the consequences can be devastating. Heartbeat and breathing can cease, causing death.
The Food and Drug Administration food code requires food preparation equipment to be certified or classified for
sanitation by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI). This is to ensure that the equipment or
products associated with food processing and storage used by restaurants,
hotels, food chains and others has
been tested and certified to the applicable Food Equipment Standard.