Dx, signifies diagnosis. Pancreatic refers to the inflammation of the pancreas, which can take place in two distinct forms, that is, acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Dysphagia is the term used to indicate swallowing issues, while gastralgia refers to the pain in the abdominal or stomach region.
Sx, signifies symptoms; NVD refers to Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea; HA in the given case is a headache or high anxiety; Dr signifies doctor; Abd means abdominal; MRI refers to magnetic resonance imaging; CBC to complete blood count; NPO, refers to nil per os, or nothing via mouth; cl liq refers to clear liquids; VS q2h refers to very small amount for every two hours; CBR refers to complete bed rest.
IV fluid of N/S 1000 cc q8h refers to the intravenous fluid of normal saline of 1000 cc unit for every 8 hours.