if sex cells were identical, there won't be genetics variations and we will just all be identical to our parents. genetic variation allows us to better adapt and survive
A. They center on the motives of wrongdoers as well as on the amount of damage done when assigning blame.
The Concrete Operational Stage, according to Piaget, refers to a stage that begins around age 7 and ends around the ages of 11 or 13.
During this stage, children are now capable of thinking in a more logical manner and their moral judgement has become subjective as <u>they now center on the motives of wrongdoers as well as on the amount of damage done when assigning blame</u>. For instance, they are able to judge another child according to the amount of damage she/he has done and whether it was done in purpose or accidentally.
They can also center on two dimensions of a problem at once and have thoughts that involve tangible objects instead of abstract ideas.
Parasympathetic Nervous System. The parasympathetic nervous system is an anatomically defined division of the autonomic nervous system, being that part whose motor components run in cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X and in the sacral nerves.
In the element (<u>n Na20)</u> the <em>2 </em>means that there are 2 oxygen atoms in the Sodium Oxide.
Carrying Capacity
The definition of carrying capacity in relation to biology is, "the number of people, other living organisms, or crops that a region can support without environmental degradation."