Incident in a factory that employs illegal Mexican immigrants. When the border police arrive the factory boss tells the workers to run. Soto's workers are forced to run for their lives, so his use of the word jogging is meant tongue-in-cheek.
There are currently 59 orcas in captivity at sea parks and aquariums through out the world summer wild caught some are born in captivity 1/3 of the world captive orcas are in the United states in all the one of those live at Sea Worlds three parks in Orlando, San Diego, and San Antonio.
The cotton gin created a market for slavery. As the production of cotton rose so did the production of slavery. These enterprises needed land, which stimulated the wars against the Indians to take their land, which could then be used by cotton farmers, and plantation holders who bred slaves.
U still wann' taalk cuz the que got deleted
The ending is effective because it gives the reader the choice. It sparks conversation and forces the reader or group to analyze and really think about the story so they can decide how it ends.