The difference was that serfs were required to work for their lord and give him food for exchange of protection when war times appeared. Peasants, on the other hand, had no obligation to do so, they were just people who were agricultural workers and were growing crops.
because Texans wanted the rights of American citizens
The justification was based around the facts that the King of Britain was used to involving the colonies in his own wars and imposing laws without having representatives from the colonies in the British Parliament. John Locke's social contract was important because people believed that they should have what he defined as unalienable rights and that they should have consent of the governed.
Integration and social action.
Given that Susan doesen't have time to go to the movies or watch TV, she reads the magazine Entertainment so she can converse with her friends and colleagues. She does so that she can chat, therefore, she is looking for integration and social action with her friends and colleagues, and not following a personal need for entertainment.
Criterion-referenced liability compare a person’s knowledge or skills against a predetermined standard, learning goal, performance level, or other criterion. With criterion-referenced tests, each person’s performance is compared directly to the standard, without considering how other students perform on the test. Criterion-referenced tests often use “cut scores” to place students into categories such as “basic,” “proficient,” and “advanced.”
while the
Norm-referenced measures compare a person’s knowledge or skills to the knowledge or skills of the norm group. The composition of the norm group depends on the assessment. For student assessments, the norm group is often a nationally representative sample of several thousand students in the same grade (and sometimes, at the same point in the school year).