During these days where almost all things become instant, the drawback that is traded especially in the social realm of the people is the lack of copresence during meetings. Instead of spending time talking about problems and whereabouts, attentions are diverted to social media sites instead.
to accomplish a specific goal, such as graduating from college.
In sociology, a group is an association of two or more people who gather together for a number of common interests, shared identity, or any other reason, and that identify themselves as belong to said group. There are two types of groups: primary and secondary groups. Primary groups are those where the bonds between the members of the group are closer, longer lasting, more intimate, and more emotionally important. Family and close friends are the prime examples of primary groups. Secondary groups, on the other hand, are larger than primary ones, and their members come together because of a shared goal or interest. <u>People usually join these groups to accomplish a specific goal, such as graduating from college</u>. School and work groups are common examples of secondary groups. While these groups are often impersonal, strong bonds can develop between some members of a secondary group and develop into a primary group.
<u>B: The zone of proximal development</u>
This term was given by Vygotsky and it refers to the inability of a learner to complete the task without any guidance or help. in this process, there is a relationship between performance a task independently versus with guidance.
for example:
Suppose there is a student to understand the philosophy when the professor teaches in the class but not able to do the task ownself. the professor works with the student to help him to learn the philosophy approaches and suggest him to ask the question himself after reading alone.