The Last Supper I'm pretty sure.
Causes of World War II :
1 The Failure of Peace Efforts.
2 The Rise of Fascism.
3 Formation of the Axis Coalition.
4 German Aggression in Europe.
5 The Worldwide Great Depression.
6 Mukden Incident and the Invasion of Manchuria (1931).
7 Japan invades China (1937).
8 Pearl Harbor and Simultaneous Invasions (early December 1941)
No, i would not change any of my mining techniques or purchases that came from the activity but, I might be more careful with the extraction process since now i have some experience. I did not get caught by any officials using other equipment because I used only the equipment that i bought earlier.
Culture in which truth and knowledge are sought through faith or religion is "ideational culture".
Ideation is the activity of thinking of a thought, similar to when an animation light shows up over somebody's head. In the event that you envision a flying vehicle and consider how to make it, that is ideation. When a culture derives its truth and knowledge through faith or religion, that culture is referred to as “ideational culture”.