The colony being described is Georgia. It was founded in 1732 and it served as a military protective zone between the English colonies and the Spanish settlement in Florida.
The final option, that "Most children were unable to attend school or receive an education."
Expressive conduct is behavior designed to convey a message; its function as speech means that it has increasingly been protected by the First Amendment. In determining whether expressive conduct deserves First Amendment protection, courts often apply a two-part test.
This game football originated in England when this popularized the kings at that time banned the game. When rugby football and association football branched off on their different courses and the Football Association in England was formed - becoming the sport's first governing body.
A set of laws, plans, actions and inaction taken by the government that address society‘s current problems is known as public policy.
- Every new government has to prepare a blueprint of the procedures and processes to be undertaken for the purpose of administration of the state in the coming future.
- At the centre of these procedures and processes, there has to be the public of the state which is apparently the most important subject of the government.
- A plan inclusive of all the devised procedures and processes to be undertaken is collectively called as public policy.