The teacher will expect more from those higher achievers
What most encourage Mexican immigration to the United States is the possibility of getting a job. The economic situation in Mexico is very bad and applies mainly to poorer people.
The United States has millions of options for immigrants to work, sometimes they are not well paid and are inhuman, but the chance of getting a job is more important for them.
This affects Mexican economy positively as emigrants (living in the U.S.) are able to help their families that still live in Mexico and diminish the levels of poverty.
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i took the test
तल दिइएका शब्दहरूलाई अर्थ खुल्ने गरी वाक्यमा प्रयोग गर्नुहाेस् :सिर्जनशील,अाविष्कार,सजीव,प्राचीन,अाधुनिक,रेखाचित्र,मनाेभाव,जीवनाेपयाेगी,परम्परा,दुरवस्था
( Use the following words in a sentence that makes sense: creative, invention, animate, ancient, modern, drawing, persuasion, vitality, tradition, misfortune)
उम्म ... तपाईं वाक्यमा ती सबै प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्न
(umm you cant use all those words in a sentence)