Humans first appeared in North America in 1950s. A hypothesis states that the Clovis culture represents the earliest human presence in the Americas, beginning about 13,000 years ago; evidence of pre-Clovis cultures has accumulated since 2000, pushing back the possible date of the first peopling of the Americas to 33,000 years ago.
he could've either made the slides more clear so there wouldn't be as many questions or he could've asked everyone to save their questions until the end. They could have written them down on post-it notes so they wouldn't forget the questions.
Answer: Jobs in state government.
The fact is that the worker is also protected in the private sector. However, laws protecting workers in the public sector are much stronger and less susceptible to change. On the other hand, unions play a significant role in today's capitalist society. The association of workers employed in the public sector is one of the most active unions in the country and, as such, offers better protection for the worker. Also, business in the state government is safe, while a private firm may fail due to mismanagement.