A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, person, or work of art. Primary sources include historical and legal documents, eyewitness accounts, results of experiments, statistical data, pieces of creative writing, audio and video recordings, speeches, and art objects.
Martin Luther:
Wrote the Ninety-Five Theses
Was punished in the Edict of Worms
Stood trial at the Diet of Worms
Led the Reformation in Germany
Henry VIII:
Married six times
Asked the pope for an annulment
Answer:he hopes to do commerce with American Indians.
Symere woods. July 31, 1994
<u>the north</u>: U.S. General-in-Chief Winfield Scott's plan to defeat the Confederacy: blockade the southern and eastern coasts, seize control of the Mississippi River so as to break the Confederacy in two, and then strike from all sides at once.
<u>the south:</u> a strategy of winning by not losing, of wearing out a better equipped foe and compelling him to give up by prolonging the war and making it too costly.
This consisted of defending the Confederate homeland by using interior lines of communication to concentrate dispersed forces against an invading army and, if opportunity offered, to go over to the offensive, even to the extent of invading the North.