<u>Paranoid Schizophrenia</u>
Paranoid is another sub-type of schizophrenia. it is a common sub-type of schizophrenia. it is also called paranoia, or positive symptoms. the symptoms include in paranoid schizophrenia areas:
- The person comes under this category affected by delusion
- Hallucination such as tactile, auditory, visual
- Behavior gets disorganized
- Not able to concentrate on the task
- Apathy, flat effects
- Disorganized speech such as echolalia, neologism
American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 until his death in 1968.
He's best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, tactics his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi helped inspire.
He also helped organize the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech!!
c. Agent Lopez’s entire compensation must be recouped because Ralph disenrolled within 3 months of enrollment.
Health plans, such as Top Choice Medicare Advantage, provide a document listing all clauses relating to the plan, such as withdrawal deadlines, service agreements, reimbursement, among other things. In the case of Top Choice Medicare Advantage, there is a clause stating that the agent responsible for enrolling the client in the plan will have compensation restored if the client cancels the enrollment within 3 months. With this, we can conclude that, in relation to the case shown in the above question, Agent Lopez's full compensation must be recovered because Ralph annulled himself within the three month period.
An annuity is a policy insurance where the investment guarantees with a rate of return and it is tax deferred also.
In the context, Y decides to invest the money that he received as inheritance instead of spending it. Thus Y should invest in single premium funding because the single premium would ensure a tax deferred interest in the future.
Division of labor and specialization, which were promoted to a large extent by Henry Ford and Frederick W. Taylor with the goal of increasing productivity and efficiency, contribute to economic growth because the worker, by being specialized, executes one, and the same, task or job over and over again, and, as a result, the final product or service is cheaper, of higher quality, and is produced in a shorter amount of time.
It was the Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790) the one that established that division of labor and specialization were the basis of productivity growth and wealth.