B) Brain...spinal cord, for some reason I keep ending up on questions you've asked.
1. Learn the basics of nonverbal communication.
One study found that nonverbal communication accounted for 55 percent of how an audience perceived a presenter. That means that the majority of what you say is communicated not through words, but through physical cues.
To communicate clearly and confidently, adopt proper posture. Avoid slouching, folding your arms or making yourself appear smaller than you are. Instead, fill up the space you are given, maintain eye contact and (if appropriate) move around the space.
Static stretch
Static stretching exercises are done by elongating the target muscles as tolerated and then holding the stretch in that position for a stipulating length of time. This holding time period is usually determined by the individual’s age, activity level, any other previous illness or injuries etc.
The holding time usually is around 10-15 seconds is especially done to:
- Reduce risk of injury, muscle stiffness
- Increase mobility, flexibility, range of motion
- Relieve back or joint pains.
The main physiology in stretch reflex:
The stretch reflex is a myotatic reflex which is triggered by the action potentials of la afferent fibers. This causes the excited motor neurons to contract the stretched muscle which in turn reduces the potential.
The holding in static stretching is to make the elongation of the muscles a habitual length for the muscle spindle fibers and mark it is a new length.
The signals are reduced and the receptors are trained to allow more muscle fiber lengthening. The greatest increase in length or increase in range of motion occurs when the stretch is held for about 10-30 seconds with 2-4 repetitions.
U must go to the gym after your daily basics and eat a very very healthy meal after a workout or after a long day