Each Mayan city had a king. The king was usually hereditary. The king used his power and wealth to support the nobles. The nobles served as officials and such in the kings administration. The nobles were loyal to the king because he ensured their legitimacy and the king got help in running things from nobles. All right there you go. Hope this is enough and it helps.
I believe your answer is B
For global supremacy. They fought over colonial territories because they believed they're the rightful leaders over these territories.
The map mentioned Seven Years war and the United States Independence.
Seven Years war was a war between France and Britain over ownerships of the lands in Caribbean region. These lands contain a lot of sugar cane that was regarded as a hot commodity at that time.
During United States, the France formed an alliance with the colonists against British empire. The French believed that united states were a major income for the British government. Helping them to be independent from Britain will weaken the British' economy. This will be beneficial for France in their competition against British empire.
Roman confederation gave the people more rights and allowed them to have their culture.
Roman confederation and the eventual empire that became from it had one very different purpose fro the others in that it did not differentiate with the new citizens of the country who had come in by conquest.
Instead all they had to do was pay taxes and recognize themselves as roman citizen.
They could keep speaking their language and worshiping their religion as well as have abilities to control and garner wealth in certain alliances too making it good to be a roman citizen for them.
First was the Roman Republic, then came the Roman Empire. In the 4th century BCE, the Roman Republic turned to imperialism. After losing a significant battle with the Gauls, a Celtic people, the Romans concluded that in order to sustain safety, they would have to expand their territory so the frontiers would be a good distance from the capital, Rome. They successfully fought a series of wars with other Italian city-states as well as the Carthaginians, achieving their goal. Warfare gave excessive power to the military leaders, weakening the influence of the Senate and thus the democracy became undermined. That is how it was transformed to a vast empire.