When glucose is high, cAMP is low; CAP does not bind the lac operator, and RNA polymerase does not bind the lac promoter. CAP is only active when glucose levels are low, which means the cAMP levels are high, and therefore the lac operon can only be transcribed at high rate when glucose is absent. The importance of this is that the bacteria only turns on the lac operon and start using lactose only after they have used up all the preferred energy source which is glucose.
The correct answer is C.
The amount of genetic variation in two humans is 0.1 percent of their genome. Human genetic variation refers to the biological difference that exists in the human population.
The genetic variation in humans and apes genome is about 4 percent which is 35 million differences in a single nucleotide.
The genetic variation between apes and humans (Homo sapiens), according to scientists includes gene expression differences, variation in the transportable elements and type and number of repetitive genomic DNA transportable elements, the difference in the gene sequence, single nucleotide polymorphic, etc.
According to research, 97 percent of humans and orangutans genomes are identical. Based on evolution, among all apes, the orangutans are very special as it has been stable for the past 15 million years.
Therefore, is the genetic variation between humans and orangutans is the greatest.
It’s pretty obvious and i’ve done this before
Estimates of historical world population
Year 1400 1600
population (in billions) 0.35–0.40 0.50–0.58
growth p.a. >0% 0.15–0.3%
The carrying capacity of a biological organism in the surrounding refers to the maximum size of the population of the organism that the environment can maintain indeterminately, given the habitat, food, water, and other essential requirements in the environment.
When a deep water island of marine debris is situated directly in the migratory path of a pod of humpback whales, then the carrying capacity for the region would be negotiated and the populations of whale will suffer.