Romance, tragedy, deceit, loss, innocence, revenge
Harlem Renaissance (1918 to 1930)
PBJ with a baseball bat
The semicolon can be placed after swimmer, that way the sentence is not fully finished but rather gives it a break
sonnet 130 was basically about him loving all of these qualities and people but it never worked and loves favor. he frequently spoke about how she was so beautiful and the things that he loved about her and in the song he continuously talks about her good qualities and why he loves her.
in both the song in the sonnet they constantly talk about how she's perfect she's not comparable to the sun her eyes are beautiful and that is similar
in the song he says "I know I will never get you girl if I let you go and forget you girl he basically repeats how Shakespeare will never get this girl but he still loves her
For safety of yourself and the guest.
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