The numerator is the top number of a fraction and the denominator is the bottom number of a fraction
Like terms are terms that have the same variable no matter the coefficient value such as a negative or positive coefficient (number right to left of the variable aka the letter representing an unknown amount of value).
A. 8n : - 4n becuase the have the same variable (N)
B. - 2d: D because they have the same variable and even if d has no coefficient, it still has value, variables with no coefficient always equal 1 no matter the circumstances
C. - b: 17b and -3b2 because they both have the same variable eliminating the coefficients being two different types of numbers (positive and negative). The expressions have to have the same variable.
D: 4y², -3y2,4y, and 4 to the second power. This is because they all have the same variable.
E. 6x2y: 3xy because the variable are specifially xy and they must be in order to be like terms.
abc: all because they have all the letters but are just in different orders of variables. (thats all)
The answer to the problem is 2300
The answer is B. you multiply 300 and 15% and it gets you 45 that’d save you money compared to the second incentive