The Navajo code, which was not really a new code, was used during WWII.
The Navajo code could not be deciphered because it wasn't a code at all it was the native language of the Navajo.
<em>rumination </em><em> </em>
<em><u>Rumination, </u></em><em>in psychology, is described as an individual's focused attention related to the symptoms of his or her distress and its related possible consequences and causes and is opposite to its specific solutions that are associated with the "response style theory" which was discovered by</em><em><u> Nolen-Hoeksema during 1998.</u></em>
<em><u>The correct answer for the question above is rumination.</u></em>
Easy child
There are three category of children , according the psychiatrists Thomas and Chess , The Easy Child , The Difficult Child and The Slow to Warm Up Child .
- The easy child - as term suggest is one of best type of child , who have positive mood , very regular and adapt to new conditions very fast.
- The Difficult Child - these of type children , cry most often , irregular daily activities and low to adapt new conditions.
- The Slow to Warm Up Child - these type of children , have very low activity level , least to adapt new conditions .
Hence , from the given information of the que4stion,
The correct term is easy child.
Yes because after the war with Great Brittian they did not want a govenment that had complete power over its people. They wanted to be free tk make desicions for themselfs. Thats they only reason why they went to war in the first place. If the U.S did not have limits they would be in the same mess they were in with Great Brittian.