It is really a great story so far. What you need to do next is to write what did Ryker and Noelle do when they heard the footsteps above them. Did they investigate or did they leave the house? Since Ryker had already told Noelle that his brother was going to try and murder her, I don't think you should send them directly upstairs to see what or who made the footsteps. You should let the story continue a little more to be more dramatic. Don't let the story be a cliche like others would do. Perhaps, they could hide and wait to see who comes down. They could also catch the brother and then call the police or even the parents. You want the story to be different and have more excite to make the reader be wowed in the end.
John's choices influenced the plot and end of story because of the choices been made of John.
Person Vs Self
Tim is afraid of the dark, that is his own fear
The children locked up Margot in the closet and enjoyed the sun. They deprived her of the same experience and was let go only after the rains came back.
Ray Bradbury's<em> All Summer In A Day</em> is about how children in an elementary school in Venus experience the sun. The character of Margot is the protagonist, and she ends up being bullied because she was different, and had come from the earth.
The children in the school began to oppose whatever Margot say about the sun. Since she was different from them, they do not believe what she said. She was treated differently by them, owing to the fact that she had come just some 5 years back to Venus while they were born in the planet. They cornered her while the teacher was away, and put her in a <em>"closet, where they slammed and locked the door"</em>. Then they enjoyed the sun while she was still locked up in the closet, thus, depriving her of the experience.