When a leaf is placed in a solution whose salt concentration is higher than the salt concentration of the leaves, the water with in the leaves shall move out of the leaves due to the osmotic pressure gradient. This will cause the plant cell devoid of water thereby leading them to shrink and wilt.
After watching a plant for a week, you determine it needs more sunlight.
Inference is a process by which, through certain data, a conclusion is reached. Other synonyms for inference are conclusion, implication, ilation and consequence.
Accordingly, an inference is made when after watching a plant for a week, you determine that it needs more sunlight. This was a conclusion based on data.
Not all inferences offer true conclusions, even with data analysis. It is possible to state that all dogs are furry animals with four legs, but it cannot be inferred that all furry animals that have four legs are dogs.
Inferences usually arise from an analysis of characteristics and probabilities. If someone makes reference to an animal with four legs, hairy and wagging its tail, it can be inferred that the most certain thing is that it is referring to a dog.
exponential growth
The organisms that are not native of a particular environment but are exposed to live in that particular environment are invasive species. Usually invasive species do not prove useful to the new area and prove harmful to the environment as well. There are some species of organisms that have been accidently introduced to new environment and have been accidently proven to be beneficial. Zebra mussels, being the native to Black Sea when arrived to North America flourished there.
Indeed, It is a progestin
Some names are:
Raw cotton - Textiles
Limestoe - Cement
Iron ore - Steel
Bauxite - Aluminium
Wool - Woollen cloth
Soya seed - Soil oil
Mustard seed - Mustard oil
Ground nut - Ground nut oil
Sugar cane - Sugar
Hides and skins - Leather
Naphtha - Petrochemicals