That is because Woodraw Wilson,the US president thought that the 14 points can tackle causes that lead to war.
Here are a few examples:
The alliance system- Alliance system was one of the reason that caused the outburst of World War One(WWI),because the nations would drag one another into the war once attacked as signed to the alliance system.
There was a point that secret diplomacy is not allowed to tackle the problem.
Militarism- Armament race had intensified the nation's will to wage a war with their armies and weapons,fighting for national glory as well as defending themselves.
There are solutions in the 14 points as well,such as the reduction of armaments.
Imperialism- Theses nations were the most likely to wage war for national glory and act irrariinal thus have to be tackled.
Points such as Freedom of the seas in peace and war,removal of international trade barriers were aimed towards the issue.
However,as much as he believed that it could create peace,many weren't practical as they cannot be executed easily among countries,given the interests in conflict.
Hope it helps!
My vision of the future is not a utopia. Especially considering the detrimental events that have gone on in this era, a utopia could be a viable option, but a utopia is really a dystopia in disguise. I want to see a future that continues today’s activism and fully integrates everyone and where anyone can TRULY become what they want to be. And where everyone will be accepted for who they are. Also, when people will REALLY be treated equally and with dignity. A day where police brutality will cease to exist, where racism will disappear, homophobia, xenophobia, and ICE will be a thing of the past. Those days will truly fulfill my dreams and my idea of a future.
A: Slavery Might Become Legal Everywhere
Hope this helps anyone in the future who needs the answer
Because people from certain parties did not agree on smaller ideas.
Trust me bro
A violent Civil war in Colombia that has lasted over 30 years is being financed by Communist Cuba.