1 gallon = 3.78541 liters.
Multiply the number of gallons by 3.78541:
10 x 3.78541 = 37.8541 liters (round the answer as needed)
I think you posted this question more than once..
Step-by-step explanation:
A rectangular prism is nothing but a cuboid. Let the length , width and height of the rectangular prism be l, w and h.
We know that volume of a cuboid V = l×w×h
So, l×w×h = 936
So, we can find any dimension of the prism provided the the other two dimensions are given to us.
Amount needed=earned+already have
earned=7 times number of hours=7h
we used the less than or equal to because he needs at least 205, means 205 or greater must be earned
minus 30 both sides
divide both sides by 7
needs to work at least 25 hours