Sorry people keep sending you links to stuff :/
I think its water and iron
For the most part, it began because due to the war with Napoleon of France, and the issue of conscription, Britain had to "kidnap" American ships to search for their own people that escaped from conscription. Not only that, they blockaded American ships that were headed for France. These marine issues agitated the States into eventually declaring war on Britain. Although the States fought poorly and Britain basically would have won, they settled for a treaty. Americans thought they won, and called it the Second Independence or revolution. It's true, it was the second time they stood up to Britain and got away with it, so their national morale grew enormously. Especially with what Andrew Jackson did in the end, easily beating back the Britain troops who were unaware of the treaty at the time.
The French Revolution began with enlightened ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity but ended up with authoritarian regime. We see after the king Louis XIV , the revolutionary factions like Goirondons , Cordliers, Montgnards and Jacobins become more radical and dogmatic as the revolution progressed. Thousands of people were killed and persecuted ( Reign of Terror 1794 ) by these so called republic revolutionary radicals. They began to work for their private agendas rather than for public good. Later we see Napoleon became the dictator of France and fallowed an expansionist policy. So the revolution in true sense was a transition from one authoritarian regime to another.
1. Because Britain won the war at a price, they forced American colonies to pay for it with heavy taxes leading to the American Revolution.
2. France surrendered all of their land in North America.
3. The resolution of the war, the Treaty of Paris resulted in Britain gaining a lot of land and issuing the Proclamation of 1763.
You can look it up.