Do you mean what happened to the relationship of the American colonists and the British?
Frederick Douglass changed his name in order to escape the identity that given by his old master when he's still a slave.
Back then, his names had several similarities with pretty famous figure and he did not want to convey the false mistakes that they're in any way related from one another.
Erik Erikson was a psychologist who developed a theory of social development according to which we go through different stages during our whole lifespan, these stages are basically crisis which we are supposed to solve in order to continue our development.
The last stage of this theory is called ego integrity versus despair and it begins at approximately age 65 and it continues until death. During this stage, people look back and contemplate their lives and the accomplishments they achieved in their lives. If they think they had a meaningful life they achieve a sense of integrity. On the other hand if they think their life wasn't meaningful, they develop a sense of despair.
In this example, Abner has 70 years old and he feels that his life has not been of any real value or significance. <u>Because of his age we can see that he must be in the stage of "ego integrity vs despair" and since he doesn't feel like he lived a meaningful live we can see that he is not achieving a sense of </u><u>integrity</u><u>. </u>
Serafina and the Black Cloak is fantasy novel in historical fiction setting written by Robert Beatty.
<u>This novel is about Serafina, a young adult who along with her friend is trying to find a man in the Black Cloak wh</u>o is responsible for the disappearance of many people in the neighborhood.
The story of the protagonist and the antagonist eventually becomes an ideological one however as the antagonist's motivations are cleared.
<u>While Serafina is towards the lawful side of things, the antagonist believes that chaos can be an instrument for the pursuit of truth.</u>
There is no much difference between the two Bill of Rights. The only difference that is obvious between the two which makes it a major difference is that the Bill of Rights of <span>Texas Constitution is longer and more detailed compared to that of the US Bill of Rights. Hope this answers your question.</span>